How Does Childcare Look 2 Years Into The COVID Pandemic?

We would never have guessed we would still be living with COVID-19 in 2022. The global impact of COVID-19 has changed daily life for so many. Yet child development has not paused, and supporting children, families, and our employees is as important now as ever.
Over the past 2 years we have learnt from and made meaningful changes to our operational procedures and practises to ensure the ongoing health, safety and wellbeing of our children, families, and employees. With one key goal – to support families with the highest level of quality education and care whilst minimising the risk of infection.
Why is childcare so important to education and development of a child and how we support children during this challenging environment?
At Only About Children we understand the importance of the early years on a child’s development. Setting a child up for a love of lifelong learning and transitioning to primary education is a key to children feeling confident and capable. Within an Only About Children environment, we understand that routine, familiarity, consistency are important foundations for children to feel safe and secure. We are committed to providing high quality education during this challenging time whilst also best protecting the health and wellbeing of the child and their family.
What we are doing to ensure the safety and wellbeing of our children, families and educators?
All Only About Children campuses continue to ensure safety measures are in place to protect the health and safety of children, families and team members. Our Covid ‘Keeping Safe’ Framework has been informed by the relevant State and Federal Health Regulatory bodies and respective Early Childhood Education and Care Department of Education Departments. We continue to comply with all public health directors and legislation so that we are placing safety first.
Our COVID Safe measures are incorporated into our daily practice and include:
- Vaccination mandate on all our Only About Children educators and team – including the booster program
- Use of Rapid Antigen testing for team members as recommended by Health Regulatory bodies
- Teaching children how to be COVID Safe with a focus on health & hygiene practices
- Adjusting our campus experience for families to reduce their time and contact in our service
- Increased outdoor play
- Enhancing ventilation at every campus and utilising air purifiers where required
- Ensuring additional cleaning & sanitising of campus environments is conducted on a daily basis
- Placing hand sanitising stations and antiseptic wipes placed throughout the campuses
- Adjusting practices in light of changing Covid impacts or increased Covid case numbers.
Keeping our families informed
As changes arise, including our responsibilities as a service and as individuals in maintaining a COVID safe environment, we continue to communicate quickly and effectively to our families and employees. This includes notifying families as soon as a Covid positive case is identified in a campus and providing clear management practices.
While these challenging times continues, we are committed to doing everything possible to support you and your family with ongoing high-quality education and care.
Only About Children – Here To Support You
For more helpful reading:
Managing Children’s Anxiety Around Coronavirus
Only About Children can help your child to grow, make friends and explore the world.
Only About Children can help your child to grow, make friends and explore the world.
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